Sowing, Sheaving and Shucking ~ 23 Aug 2013

Yesterday the Sun entered Virgo and within hours Mercury adds his more than two cents as well. Within the next week Ceres adds its influence to Virgo (the 28th). One might suspect that with Ceres being the goddess of the grain, she might savor the weeks (until early November) she spends in Virgo’s amber waves of golden grain - in the northern hemisphere, that is.

It is fun to speculate how our zodiacal constellations might be different if ancient Greece and Rome were located in South Africa, or New Zealand or the southern tip of Chile. Certainly, our skew on seasons would be diametrically contrasted with the Vernal Equinox equals spring mentality.

Anyway, classical constellations and interpretations thereof being what they are, Mercury, traditional ruler of Virgo, and Ceres, goddess of the grain, symbolized by Virgo, pose organic transit intervals ahead, or so it would seem. Mercury remains in Virgo until September 9th. Upon his leave, Vesta steps in the next day to keep the stellium in Virgo alive.

Stellium? What is the precise definition of stellium? Three or more planets in a sign (or house)? Four or more? Honestly, I don’t have the specific rules at hand. And I have heard variations of the quantification of the stellium rule over the years. Regardless, I am satisfied we are contending with a stellium in Virgo.

Not only will we savor the Sun and Mercury in Virgo, soon joined by Ceres, the dwarf planet Makemake currently transits the last degrees of Virgo. As well, Orcus, the Etruscan version of Pluto, plots a course in the early degrees of Virgo. That’s five notable bodies. And if you’d like to add lesser influence Kuiper Belt Objects, Logos stands in a virtual conjunction with Makemake. Adding centaurian bodies, Elatus just inched past the halfway point in Virgo.

The focus here will be on the five more notable (by subjective criterion) bodies.

To resolve the seasonal, hemisphere problem, if you’re above the equator, the Virgo symbol is that of harvesting and preparing the fields (the foundation of fertility, a.k.a. creativity) for winter and the sowing of winter crops. Should you stand on Earth south of the equator, the symbolism demands waking up the fields and casting seeds about for the growing season to come.

Regardless of hemisphere, it’s time to evaluate the goals for the calendar year, monitor progress and enhance actions to ensure objectives are met in a psyche-pleasing time frame and manner.

The Sun warrants a look at the conscious criterion one uses every step of the way in one’s daily drill. This reference set works best if working from the position of observation that is free of judgment, subjective assessment and editorial commentary, especially when applied to oneself. Fact is fact; cruel commentary may reside within the framework of an inner critic that feels powerless, and must blurt out rabid criticism of every thought word and deed. It’s time to look for what’s right and working, instead of filtering reaction to situations and events through a worst case scenario, rejection criterion filter. That’s right. Get right with things and shine extra clear, conscious and golden solar light on those amber waves of grain.

It’s perfect that Arianna Huffington, founder of the Huffington Post, honored the Sun’s entry into Virgo yesterday stated that soon anonymous trolls will no longer be able to post comments on their site. If there’s no conscious knowing of who you are, you must refrain from casting about vitriol. And if you are on the line with what you post, let us hope for discernment and clear thinking connecting brain to fingertips.

Perhaps it’s time to make a list of one attribute that can be assigned to each astrological configuration in your natal chart.

Mercury, with node in Taurus and closest contract (perihelion) to the Sun in Gemini (both heliocentric references), wants to get in there and declare the importance, value and indisputable reality of the goings on. This is great, if kept to present tense behavior. Forecasting or projecting based upon the now, may twist a calculation or two and might hyperbolize expectations. The I-Ching counsels that the superior (meaning conscious and awake in a spiritual way) person does not permit thoughts to go beyond the situation. This oracle’s suggestion works especially well in times when mutable signs, especially Virgo, are abundantly endowed with planets. You know, do not calculate the amount of your juvenile poultry before the process of incubation is thoroughly completed. Plan for future eventualities and don’t worry about them.

Orcus, a lord of the underworld, brings a node in Pisces and perihelion in Sag to the table. If you wish to remain consistent with your beliefs and feel good about yourself, be aware that Orcus is the hall monitor of promises, oaths and verbal proclamations. Clarify your beliefs before speaking. Keep your word. Honor your declarations. And that whole being devil’s advocate thing... it’s not all it’s cracked up to be.

To the people of Easter Island (Rapa Nui), Makemake reigns. He’s the big cheese in terms of revered deity and there’s a triathlon-like propitiation to him every year. Makemake offers a node in Gemini and perihelion in Aries. Innate in his being lies a stream of good ideas. He’s a hope-bringer, light-spreader and provider of those things mundane (provided respect for the Earth and All Creation are demonstrated by those to whom he bequeaths). His personal message: Write your own PR. Make it true, clear and succinct. Oh yeah, there’s one more thing... before your hype will work you have to feel it in every fiber of your being and know it to be true in each and every cell.

And saved for last because she’s so potent and brimming with essence: Ceres. This goddess is a force with which we must all reckon. With a node in Gemini and perihelion in Virgo, she stands out as the quintessential advocate. For success in her advocacy, she must be on the “right” side as in high road side of things. The urge to issue ultimatums and cut off ones nose to spite the face must be resisted. When she is right, she is powerful beyond imagination. Relatively speaking, her intent, focus and solidity exceed that of virtually every other planet. What an amazing ally to have - especially as she spends the next two and a half months romping about in one of her preferred locations.

So these are the Virgo transit prescriptions:

Get clear and confident. Engage in self affirmation.

Declare your personal assets and intentions.

Honor and fulfill those intentions.

Hype your abilities and spirit to the world.

Advocate for yourself and the good in the world that surrounds you.

The deal is to review plans, revise agendas and no matter if you’re finishing up a project or initiating fresh ones, cast those seeds and/or bring in those sheaves.

More soon.